Meet the Author: Trista Wilde
Trista Wilde is a direct descendant of Cardiff's infamous Axxil Byrd, who played a prominent role in the 1460's zombie crisis. The Wilde family has recently donated many of Axxil's personal effects to the Palace of Cardiff. These artifacts are on display at the Academy's Museum of History.
Majoring in history prior to her studies in literary classification, Trista happily carved out a niche for herself at the world renowned Palace Library of Cardiff and is currently employed as a Research Librarian. This position allows her easy access to research materials pertaining to her main topic of historical interest: tales of the terrifying
1465 zombie invasion of Cardiff.
Now, Trista Wilde breathes new life into the legendary events of the 1460's with The DragonRunes Cycle. This series of historically based fiction captures the complicated personal dynamics of Cardiff's heroes during one of the darkest periods of the city's fascinating history.
Trista Wilde is available to communicate with fans via:
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Holly M. Williams