The DragonRunes Cycle is a fantasy fiction series by Trista Wilde Contact Trista Wilde: Click For Email Address  
Character Profiles - Nero
Character Profiles - Nero Aldrik

Axxil ByrdPalace favorite, Nero Aldrik, boasts six generations of DragonSingers in his lineage. Nero graduated with Honors from the Academy with a major in Viticulture and Enology and a minor in Economics. He has put those skills to good use as Chief Marketing Officer of the well-established, family-owned Noble Oaks Vineyard.

In his free time, Nero enjoys both surfing and riding the hunt. He is also Captain of his polo team. Charity associations include Places for People, a group working toward improving living conditions of the poor.

- Adapted from The Cardiff Chronicle DragonSinger Festival Guide, Nov 1465




The Zombies: Baroque Pop

The character of Nero is influenced by the elegant, baroque pop style of The Zombies. This style brought classical elements and instruments to Rock & Roll. Simpler song structures and more mainstream lyrics differentiate it from progressive rock. Baroque pop often employs edgy dramatic elements. - The Zombies on Wikipedia


Samples of The Zombies .MP3s on Amazon


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