The DragonRunes Cycle is a fantasy fiction series by Trista Wilde Contact Trista Wilde: Click For Email Address  
Character Profiles - Jenner Schumann

Gemini QuantasJenner Schumann has been the name on the lips of every citizen in Cardiff this week. Making waves with his high-energy performances, the Gateway golden-boy and his brilliant red guitar have been setting audiences on fire with edgy punk numbers.

Offstage Jenner enjoys experimenting with home brewing and has created a local craft beer with real sizzle called Bottle O' Smoke. When it's time to unwind, Jenner prefers outdoor activities such as fishing and snorkeling.

- Adapted from The Cardiff Chronicle DragonSinger Festival Guide, Nov 1465




The Kinks: Protopunk

The protopunk style of The Kinks was the formative influence for the character of Jenner. This music showcases a primitive, stripped down quality that was often mixed with an unpolished production style. Consciously aware of their outsider status, the often subversive lyrics frequently dealt with taboo subject matter and provided a release for those alienated by the dominant culture.
- The Kinks on Wikipedia


Samples of The Kinks .MP3's on Amazon


The Kinks Links:

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