The DragonRunes Cycle is a fantasy fiction series by Trista Wilde Contact Trista Wilde: Click For Email Address  
Character Profiles - Ziggy
Character Profiles - Ziggy Szabo

Lord Reece Conwy"Ziggy" Zsigmond Szabo, son of Ambassador Duke Szabo of Ordith, has spent most of the last ten years with our northern allies on the cold, rugged island nation of Zetland. A citizen of both nations, Ziggy serves as a Priest of the Order of Toranos - the Zetlanders' lightning-wielding God of Thunder.

Ziggy is a frequent guest speaker at the Academy, often addressing topics related to social and human rights. He is also the driving force behind the popular WinterNight Music Festival; a multi-national charitable event which supplies canned and dried goods to the hungry.

- Adapted from The Cardiff Chronicle DragonSinger Festival Guide, Nov 1465




David Bowie: Glam Rock

The glam rock of David Bowie provides the influence for the character of Ziggy. Glam music was performed by musicians displaying outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles. The visually theatrically syles of these performers often displayed an androgynous character. This attack on common sexual stereotypes helped to influence revolutionary new thinking about the role gender plays in society. - David Bowie on Wikipedia


Samples of David Bowie .MP3s on Amazon


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